First Youth & experts meeting took place in Copenhagen, Denmark from 17-20th October 2022
Last week the first youth & experts meeting took place in a lovely capital city of Denmark, Copenhagen. Participants from 4 counties gathered together to work on educational toolkit on gender equality a guidelines for the youth organisations and educational institutions.
The event was hosted by non-profit organization Folkevirke . Folkevirke is the women's own cross-political movement of folk enlightenment or adult education. Organizations working fields are centred round social, cultural, and political aspects in which we wish to engage through a binding, open and unprejudiced dialogue.

The first working day started with the presentation of two experts: Anna-Liza Starkova, who conducted a speech on the theme of Norm Criticism and explained the The Main Principles of Gender Theory.
Susanne Kallanvaara (Burgårdens Gymnasium, Sweden) was talking about the Norm Criticism on Practice.
As soon as the participants got an inspiration from both speeches the practical part of the event started with the I. Workshop. In this section of the conference, each team suggested two-three educational games/exercises based on the national context: challenges and opportunities, weaknesses and strengths, resources, and limitations, relying on the principles and values of gender approach and norm criticism.

The work continued on the next day with the second workshop. In this section, participants discuss their ideas about best practices or new rules that should be suggested for schools, NGOs (phycological help organizations/crisis centers, LGBT organizations, etc.), as well as recommendations for the local, regional, and national governments.
During the workshop, each team (country/based groups) suggested their techniques for education, principles that should be implemented in educational institutions, or policies that governments should introduce on each level or by educational institutions themselves.

The event ended with the presentation of the results of both days and joint picture.
All the results of the meeting you can find on this page.