The project main goal is
Projekti peamiseks eesmärgiks on tõsta venekeelsete inimeste ja ettevõtjate teadlikkust igapäevases sotsiaalses kontekstis sügavalt juurdunud soolise ebavõrdsuse ning seda õhutavate stereotüüpide ja eelarvamuste kohta ning luua vahendeid ebavõrdsuse vähendamiseks. Samuti luua noortele väärtusi, mis edendavad meie ühiskonna arengut ja hoolivust ning levitavad vahendeid ebavõrdsuse vähendamiseks. Edendada arutelu soorollide ja stereotüüpide üle, mille jaoks on vaja leida konstruktiivseid lahendusi. Anda haridussüsteemis konstruktiivseid teadmisi ja oskusi soolise võrdõiguslikkuse kohta ning laiendada soolise võrdõiguslikkuse edendamise strateegiaid ettevõtluses, et tagada varajane sekkumine eelarvamuste ja stereotüüpide kinnistumisse ning paremad sootundlikud tingimused töökohal.
Me lähtume nende eesmärkide saavutamist, kasutades arengu- ja õiguspõhist lähenemisviisi, mille eesmärk on rahuldada naisettevõtjate praktilisi vajadusi,kõrvaldada naisettevõtluse ees seisvad sotsiaalkultuurilised, õiguslikud ja poliitilised takistused ning propageerida ettevõtluse arengut ja soolist võrdõiguslikkust soodustavat keskkonda. Lisaks soolise võrdõiguslikkuse küsimuse üldisele valgustamisele on meie eesmärk luua soodne keskkond naiste ettevõtluse arenguks ja sooliseks võrdõiguslikkuseks, suurendada naiste ettevõtluse arendamisega ja soolise võrdõiguslikkusega tegelevate asutuste institutsioonilist suutlikkust ning töötada välja vahendid ja tugiteenused naisettevõtjatele.
Projekti sihtrühmaks on Ida-Virumaa ja Harjumaa aktiivsed noored (vanuses 16-30), kes on erineva rahvuse ja majandusliku taustaga (sh erivajadustega noored ja enamasti venekeelne publik), samuti julgustatakse õpetajate osalemist, juhid, naiskogukondade ja VKEde (Väikesed ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtted), kohalike omavalitsuste ja kogukondade esindajad Harjumaalt, sealhulgas Tallinnast (kõik Tallinna linnaosad, kuid peamiselt Kesklinna, Mustamäe, Põhja-Tallinna, Õismäe, Lasnamäe), Maardust ja Ida-Virumaalt (Kiviõli, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi, Sillamäe ja Narva). Projekt hõlmab peamiselt vähemalt 80-90% venekeelset publikut. Projekti sihtrühmad esindavad ka tõrjutuse riskirühmi (erivajadustega inimesed ja noored, kes seisavad silmitsi struktuuriliste, kultuuriliste ja sotsiaalsete takistustega), eeldame, et nende rühmade esindajaid on umbes 5-10% osalejate koguarvust. (Loodame jõuda umbes 10% osalejateni, kes on diskrimineeritud rassilise või etnilise päritolu, rahvuse, soo, seksuaalse sättumuse, vanuse jne alusel.
Projektis osaleb otseselt kuni 320 inimest ja kaudselt isegi rohkem kui 1000 inimest (sotsiaalmeediakajastuse, küsimustiku vastajate, kõrvalürituste ja programmi jälgijate kaudu).
Kolm koolitust mis toimuvad 23.08 – Remniku, 9.09.2023 - Tallinn ja 5.10.2023 – Maardu/Paldiski, projekti projekti sihtrühma jaoks soolise võrdõiguslikkuse, peremudelite, soorollide, soolise palgalõhe, võrdse kohtlemise ja just Eestis vastu võetud sooneutraalse abielu teemadel. Koolitus põhineb 3R-meetodil (representatsioon, ressursid, realia), praktilistel juhtumiuuringutel ja muudel interaktiivsetel meetoditel. Koolitus koosneb 8-tunnisest koolitusest kohapeal ja lisaks 8-tunnisest kodutööst. Koolituse eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade soolise võrdõiguslikkuse küsimustest, noorte/vanema põlvkonna ja ettevõtjate arusaamade ajakohastamine soorollidest ja peremudelitest (kuidas see on seotud ettevõtlusega) ning jagada õppevahendeid ja kaasaegseid oskusi soolise võrdõiguslikkuse küsimuste teemadel. Koolitusel hakkame murdma stereotüübid ja lõpetama kaudne diskrimineerimine. Kokku osaleb 100 inimest.
Training will:
- Provide an overview on gender equality issues
- Update understanding of young people/ older generation and business on gender roles and family models (how it related with business)
- To provide educational tools and modern skills on themes of gender related questions.
- To breaks the stereotypes and end indirect discrimination.
Study Visit on 27th October 2023 in Tallinn, will provide necessary practical skills and to learn from human rights organisations and Gov institutions how to fight for gender equality and promote equal treatment in own community. We will be visiting and learning from Estonian Human Rights Centre, LGBTQ movement, Office of Gender Equality and Equal treatment Commissioner and conduct meeting with business representative who has created necessary environment and services to achieve gender equality in the workplace. 30 participants will take part in this event.
Two practical trainings and discussions (November, Toila; December, Tallinn) for young girls, women CSOs and entrepreneurs - this programme will empower women, due to females, on the whole, have less entrepreneurial experience than men. With this activity we want by creating an enabling environment for women’s entrepreneurship development; Promoting tools and support services for women entrepreneurs. To improve women entrepreneurship skills by conducting 2 two days practical training-discussion days full of skills for young girls, women CSOs with engagement of local business companies. 60 people will take part in two practical tranings & dicsussions.
Roundatable (15th December 2023 in Tallinn) - will improve collaboration between government, civil society and business and jointly discuss how we all could integrate Family-friendly policies and improve working conditions for employees (for example in terms of family life that typically provide three types of essential resources needed by parents and caregivers of young children: time, finances and services) and empower women and men to build a equal society (improve the situation with the balance of work and family life) at home, at work and in society. 30 people will take part in the roundatable
Gender Equality International Conferene (January or February 2024) - will have a constructive exchange of ideas, as well as for making summaries of the project and set up general statements. Invited key decision makers, stakeholders , community leaders and active participants of the project. Conference will advance discussion on gender roles and stereotypes needed to find constructive solutions. Provide constructive knowledge and skills on gender equality in the education system, family, business and politics to ensure early intervention in the perpetuation of prejudices and stereotypes. In addition to the specific work already done, the conference will add a new dimension to the topic by involving the views of recognized experts. The main topic of the Gender Equality Conference in 2024, “Gender equality in work / business and policy areas”.
- 320 participants/learners will demonstrate and improve women and girls leadership and 21st century skills by implication of these skills in practical activities/life.
- More than 20 teachers and educators will be reached. We expect up to 80% participant will report that they have benefited from professional development confirm they intend to or are using this learning in the classroom.
- We will conduct two gender case studies highlighting the impact of P2P training and support on women and girls’ leadership. Additionally to that at last 100 women and girl leaders will be trained through P2P will be seen to play an active role in supporting social cohesion.
- More than 320 participants and at least 50 % of participants reporting that they increased exposure and understanding of peers from other communities, by conducting a questionnaire, evaluation of each event and feedback from cross-communities.
- At least in 7 different media channels (4 news/articles,3 Radio/TV interviews) who are reaching diverse audience will be positively addressing project themes and issues of difference, women empowerment, equality at homework and the gender roles /input in society and cross community narratives will be covered/reported.
- At least 30 women leaders/CSOs have been trained in relevant areas related to cross-community civic engagement, active citizenship and social action to support gender equality by conducting trainings, providing practical skills, information and a questionnaire by evaluating of each event and feedback.
- We expect to support/design and deliver though this project about 3 cross community social actions / youth, women supportive & civil society initiatives (directly and indirectly) working in frame of this project with cross communities together under its implementation and achieve at least more than 320 people.
- Cross community social actions will be delivered with the support/in partnership with organisations working with Young people(National Youth Council, Peace Child Eesti, Narva Gymnasium, Tallinn Mustjõe Gymnasium, NGO Õnnelik Naine, ENUT, EENA, inimõiguste keskus, Feministerium and others). Civil Society informal network/ and women NGOs supporting institutions who works with gender equality and equal treatment questions, civil society empowerment, promoting entrepreneurship, policy makers of course grass roots initiatives what empowering women and men for equality at work, at school, in family life and politics. To improve target groups in such educational policies and civil society engagement.
- We will organise at 3 key meetings/connections and engagement of state and local authorises and senior officials with target audiences and build shared values though planed activities in frame:
- High level representatives from state authorities, local governments and political leaders) and Ministry of Social Affairs, Gender Equality Commissioner)
- 1) Women leadership and Men equality empowering programme
- 2) Roundtable with business representatives and other stakeholders on the themes how to integrate Family-friendly policies and improve working conditions for employees to by development of support mechanism for employers.
- 3) Project final Conference with all stakeholders to provide full overview of project results, achievements and discuss the role o CSOs in achievement of Gender Equality as one of the key goals of the UN SDG.
- We will engage and support more than 30 organisation/educational institutions (inc. Youth CSOs) across the regions and at least 20 youth community leaders (representatives of target groups) acting in different fields.
- All organisations interested to contribute to the Youth Opinion Festival and Youth Advocacy & Leadership non-formal network will adapt or intend to adapt their organisational practice and strategy to focus on social inclusion of young people in decision making process and empowering young people to b a leaders of today. Youth are advocating to take into account own interests and main standards of civil society code of conducts, strategic documents and apply developed strategic approach in inclusion of young people and vulnerable target groups into their working practice.
- At least 60% of participated institutions/Youth CSOs will report that they are intent to focus on building trust and cohesion between communities by contributing to the development of skills for democratic societies and providing necessary environment of participation and engagement.
- By the end of the programme the P2P2 delivery partners, experts, business community and government representative will give a feedback on all activities especially on question like women capacity increase to reach cross community audience and contribution to increscent of the overall knowledge of social cohesion practice and target audience needs. It will impact on the youth and organisation overall knowledge, capacity and ability to work with target audiences and help them with they need.
Project is supported by the British Council in frame of People To People Cultural Engagement programme
#BritishCouncilEstonia #PeopleToPeople
