Gender Equality Conferene "Women empowerment in the time of crises: Towards a gender equality and a non-violent society" (1-2nd March 2024 in Tallinn, Hestia Hotel Europa) - it will be a constructive exchange of ideas on how to reduce gender based violence and stereotypes, women empowerment and developing practical solutions on gender eqaulity mainstraming by community members, as well as for making summaries of the project and set up general statements.
Invited key decision makers, stakeholders, CSO representatives, youth, community leaders and active participants of the project. Conference will advance discussion on gender equality, roles and stereotypes needed to find constructive solutions and how to reduce gender based violonce and improve diversity.
Conference will provide a constructive knowledge and skills on gender equality in the education system, family, business and politics to ensure early intervention in the perpetuation of prejudices and stereotypes. In addition to the specific work already done, the conference will add a new dimension to the topic by involving the views of recognized experts. The main topic of the Gender Equality Conference in 2024, “Empowering Gender equality and reducing gender based violonce”.
- NB!!! Registration is open until 28 February 2024 on the website or at this link:
- The number of places is limited (100 places)!
- The official working language is Estonian. Simultaneous interpretation in English and Russian will be organised for the participants.
- Participants will be provided with rich meals (coffee breaks, lunch buffet) and necessary training materials.
- Participation is free of charge!
CONFERENCE AGENDA, 1th of March 2024, Tallinn, Hestia Hotel Europa (Paadi 5).
10.00 - 11.00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
11.00 - 12.00 Introduction, welcoming remarks and keynote speeches
- Vassili Golikov, moderator
- Ursula Roosmaa, British Council
11.00 - 11.15 Welcoming word and keynote by Ify Agboola. Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy
11.15 - 11.30 "Gender inequality and the outdated gender stereotypes that underpin it" - Art- Peeter Roose, advisor of Commissioner for Gender Equality and Equal Treatment (online)
11.30 - 11.45 "The pay gap as an indicator of gender inequality and a threat to social sustainability" - Eva Liina Kliiman, Gender Equality Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
11.45 -12.00 "Prevention, reduction and services for victims of gender-based violence in Estonia" - Kristiina Luht, Head of Victim Support Policy, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia
12.00 - 13.00 Panel discussion: Promoting equal rights and equal treatment as a fundamental human right and a universal good.
- Reet Laja, Head of the Estonian Women's Research and Information Centre
- Eeva Koplimets, Co-ordinator of the Estonian LGBT Association.
- Kristi Rekand, Lawyer, Estonian Chamber of Disabled People
- Eduard Odinets, Member of the Riigikogu (Parliament)
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 14.10 Causes of gender-based violence and prevention from a practical perspective - Pille Tsopp-Pagan, Director of the NGO Women's Support and Information Centre
14.10 - 15.00 Panel discussion: 'Prevention of and response to gender-based violence in the family and society'.
- Representative of the Northern Prefecture (to be specified).
- Lenne Indov, Social Insurance Board
- Irina Tsugart, prosecutor's office.
- Margo Orupõld, Director of Pärnu Women's Support Centre, NGO
15.00 - 16.00 Discussions in working groups:
- Promoting gender equality and equal treatment in society from a practical perspective - Reet Laja
- Reducing gender-based and domestic violence through prevention work with families and targeted support and assistance - Pille Tsopp-Pagan.
- Gender equality in employment and education (pay gap) - Vassili Golikov
16:00 - 16.15 Presentation of the results of the working groups
16.15 - 16.30 Summary and closing remarks by Ify Agboola. Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy
02.03.2024 Tallinn, Hestia Hotel Europa
11.00 - 11.30 "Norm critique and equality", Laura Maria Rajala, Femina RY (Finland)
11.30 - 13.00 Developing a conference declaration on women's empowerment and gender-based violence prevention and response in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.
11.30 - 13.00 The Sustainable Development Goals: key issues and responses to promote gender equality and equal treatment.
13.00 - 13.30 Break for refreshments
13.30 - 14.00 Conference conclusions
✔ For additional information please tern to: German tel. 55576329 / Vassili tel. 55602993 /